
Ms. Brokenrope

Kylie Brokenrope

Preschool - Room 101


Preschool Room 101

Welcome to Preschool Room 101! I am so excited that your child will be in our classroom this school year! I look forward to collaborating with your family and the Room 101 Team!

A little bit about myself: This will be my 9th year teaching at McCutcheon as an early childhood special education teacher. I graduated from Loyola University Chicago. I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and two pups: Belle and Atticus. I am an avid reader and spend a lot of time reading to relax!

Room 101: This is an inclusive co-taught classroom. I co-teach along side Ms. Hab and Mr. Temi. We utilize the Creative Curriculum, as mandated by Chicago Public Schools. Our curriculum focuses on literacy, math, social/emotional development, and functional skills. Room 101 strives for a learning environment that supports the child as a whole, promotes hands-on learning opportunities, and encourages curiosity through real-life application.

Additionally, the students will have the opportunity to attend gym class, music class, art, and visit the STEAM learning lab this year.

Please always feel free to reach out if you have questions or concerns. We are a team!


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Important Classroom Information

Below is a link to download our daily schedule for the year.
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